Sunday, February 5, 2012

Isn't it Time to Question

This is a great and wonderful time to ask yourself those questions you have put off for so long. Possibly questions such as these:

      ·         Am I feeling what I feel or what I was taught to feel?

·         Why do I react in the way I do to a situation? 

·         Where did I receive the message this is the reaction that suits this situation?

·         Do I react and act with love, trust and compassion?

·         Do I react in doubt, worry and apprehension?

·         Do I feel the support and love of Spirit?

·         Do I feel as if I am alone in this world?

·         If I feel alone why?

The list of questions goes on and on.  The purpose of the questions is to take you past the early trainings and conditioning.  Past the point of what has influenced you since the point of entry into this world.  Separating what is your truth from what you have empathetically and intuitively gathered from family, friends and the environment around you. 

Grab yourself a journal or if you do not like to write grab a recording device.  Begin asking yourself the questions above letting them take you into the questions you have wanted to ask yourself but, have put off for a later time.  You may find as the list grows in its length not only is this fun but, an easy way to come to know who you are.  This very well can take you to understanding what you think, know and feel on to the point of giving yourself permission to respond to life from your truth.  You may even find as you do this your world changes, filling with the magic and promise life is.  You may find as you shrug off early trainings, that you are the power, the force behind the creating in your world.   With this may come the delight in creating a world past the old conditioning of mankind’s fear.

Isn’t it time for you to question?  I am sure it is.

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