Thursday, February 18, 2010

Feels like spring

Today has been the most beautiful sunny day.  I have really enjoyed being able to get out and feel the sunshine, smell the fresh air and watch the birds and other creatures move about.  Interestingly enough I have had a lot of do-overs today.  Do-over this document and do-over that document.  Stop this one and re-write that one.  I almost thought I was in Mercury Retrograde.  I do know that when these things happen it is time for me to stop and see if there is another subtle message trying to come through these events.  Something that is trying to catch my attention.  Are there areas I need to slow down and look at?  Are there areas in my life that I am clearing by doing them over?  Or is there an area to look back at, do over so that the process of clearing can complete?  So, much to ponder.  I think I will go sit in the sun on the porch and think about all of this.  The sun is calling.........

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